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  Plan-1- Lawn and Islands
  Plan-2- Trees and Shrubs
  Plan-3- Vegetable Garden
  Plan-4- Trees & Evergreens
  Plan-5- Deck - Patio & Plants
  Plan-6- New Lawn & Planting
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  Roses ( types-3 )
  Roses ( types-4 )
  Roses ( types-5 )
  Bongiorno's Contracting
  Stockade Installation
  IDP- 1- Perennial Design
  IDP- 2- Wall Stone Design
  IDP- 3- Kidney Stone Design
  IDP- 4- Burgandy Stone
  IDP- 5- Raised Island
  IDP- 6- Belgium Block Island
  IDP- 7- Raised Islands
  RRT- 1- Tie Walls- Northport
  RRT- 2- Tie Walls- Northport
  RRT- 3- Tie Walls- Huntington
  RRT- 4- Tie Walls- Huntington
  RRT- 5- Tie Steps- Huntington
  RRT- 6- Tie Steps- Huntington
  RRT- 7- Tie Steps- Smithtown
  RRT- 8- Tie Steps- Huntington
  RRT- 9- Tie Steps- Huntington
  RRT- 10- Vertical Ties Design
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  NLP-02 Sod Installation
  NLP-03 Sod Installation
  NLP-04 Sod Installation
  NLP-05 Seed Installation
  NLP-06 Seed Installation
  NLP-07 Sod Installation
  PWP- 01- Ponds & Waterfalls
  PWP- 02- Ponds & Waterfalls
  PWP- 03- Ponds & Waterfalls
  PWP- 04- Ponds & Waterfalls
  PWP- 05- Formal Pond Design
  MP- 01- Cellar Entrance
  MP- 02- Entrance & Drywell
  MP- 03- Bluestone Stoop
  MP- 04- Bluestone Stoop
  MP- 05- Sandstone Stoop
  MP- 06- Cement Pool Patio
  MP- 07- Brick on Sand Patio
  MP- 08- Grinnell Stone Patio
  MP- 09- Grinnell Stone Patio
  MP- 10- Cement Walk
  MP- 11- Natural Stone Path
  MP- 12- Bluestone Porch
  MP- 13- Cement Pool Walks
  MP- 14- Unilock Stone Patio
  MP- 15- Unilock Stone Patio
  MP- 16- Cambridge Walk
  DP- 01 RedWood Deck
  DP- 02 RedWood Closeup
  Sod Lawn - Care Tips
  Lawn Fertilizing - Nutrition
  Weed Control - Herbicides
  Pest Control - Insecticides
  Fungus Control - Fungicides
  Free Lawn Analysis
  SWP- 01- Rainbow Stone
  SWP- 02- Blue Stone Wall
  SWP- 03- Blue Stone Planter
  SWP- 04- Brick Planter Box
  SWP- 05- Grinell Stone Wall
  SWP- 06- Pennsylvania Stone
  SWP- 07- Wall and Plants
  SWP- 08- Stone Walls - Plants
  SWP- 09- Pennsylvania Stone
  SWP- 10- Walls- Bushs- Lawn
  SWP- 11- Natural Fieldstone
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Bongiorno's Contracting is a full service licensed contractor providing an extensive line of several different types of products. We offer over 48 different sorts of materials. We are a family owned and operated company and have been serving Long Island, NY since 1979. Three generations of experience has established us as an industry leader. Our unique combination of products and services set us apart. We are proud of our commitment to excellence, and strive to exceed our customer's expectations. We take pride in our people, and pride in our work. We provide top soil, aggregates, landscaping, trucking, excavation, demolition and site development.

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Don't get caught in the cold !
Seasoned firewood from $499.99

has one of the largest fleets of radio dispatched trucks in Long Island NY. We can accommodate all of your hauling requirements. We have the capabilities to transport aggregates from numerous quarries to achieve on-time delivery whether it's a 1 ton load, or bulk hauling of aggregates for larger commercial projects.

  • Masonry Retaining Walls
  • Excavation
  • Erosion Control
  • Designing and Drawings
  • Perennial Gardems
  • Cambridge Stone Walks
  • Natural Stone Walls
  • Stone Walls & Patios
  • Timber Retaining Walls
    Hardscapes are of the utmost importance in any Landscape Project. They are used to support plant materials, they define boundaries and can highlight certain areas of the focal point and overall design. We will help you decide which items best accommodate your plan or design. We can tell you where they will go, when they should be constructed and how they should look.
    Long Island Trucking and Excavation, Haulling in Nassau, Suffolk County
    Excavation and Land Clearing
    Long Island, NY
    Delivery Trucks of Topsoil, Gravel, Mulch in Long Island, NY
    Topsoil - Gravel - Sand
    Delivery Trucks

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    All Pages Copyright© 2013 - 2014 -- UsHostmaster.com -- All Rights Reserved
    Northern Restorations Inc. -- DBA Larkfield Flowers -- DBA Bongiorno's Contracting
    343 Larkfield Road, East Northport, NY. 11731
    For Customer Service or to place an order, You may order by calling us direct Monday thru Saturday 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time at 1-631-848-1156
    Larkfield Flowers and Gifts All rights reserved.
    Larkfield Flowers is a Trademark of Northern Restorations Inc.
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